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Hair Care Products

Hair Care Products

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1 - 30 of 325 results
Product no.: 10004

Clearly clean Shampoo is a protein-rich conditioning shampoo that cleans heavy build up from hair whether it is permed or relaxed. It removes residues from maintenance products.

7.40 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 511 g
1000 ml = 14.80 €

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 10013


Profix - Moroccan Argan Oil Hair Serum

Haar Serum mit Arganöl / repariert geschädigtes Haar

7.95 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 242 g
1000 ml = 44.92 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 10023


Palmer´s Kokosnussöl Pflegeshampoo

für trockenes, geschädigtes und gefärbtes Haar

7.90 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 506 g
1000 ml = 19.75 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 10026


JAMAICAN MANGO & LIME - Locking Firm Wax

Haarwachs für widerstandsfähiges Haar

5.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 178 g
1000 g = 34.71 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 10052


Dark and Lovely 3 In 1 Shampoo

von Softsheen Carson für alle Haartypen

5.90 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 572 g
1000 ml = 11.80 €

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 11002


Dark & Lovely Relaxer Kit Super - für kräftiges Haar

 mit Shea Butter für seidenweiches, glattes und gesund aussehendes Haar

8.90 / pack(s) *
Delivery weight: 600 g

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 110021

Dark & Lovely Relaxer REGULAR für normales Haar

mit Shea Butter

für seidenweiches, glattes und gesund aussehendes Haar

8.90 / pack(s) *
Delivery weight: 600 g

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 100231


Palmer´s Kokosnussöl Conditioner

für trockenes, geschädigtes und gefärbtes Haar

6.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 275 g
1000 g = 27.60 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 100232


Palmer´s Kokosnussöl Leave-In Conditioner

für trockenes, geschädigtes und gefärbtes Haar

4.99 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 180 g
100 g = 3.33 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 100233


Palmer´s Olivenöl Conditioner

für starkes, gesundes und geschmeidiges Haar

7.50 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 280 g
1000 g = 30.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 10030


Cantu Shea Butter - Moisturizing Cream Shampoo

Shampoo mit Shea Butter für strapaziertes Haar 

7.90 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 440 g
1000 ml = 19.75 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 10931


Cantu Shea Butter - Daily Oil Moisturizer

Moisturizer (Feuchtigkeitshaarcreme) für strapaziertes Haar 

8.90 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 398 g
1000 ml = 23.18 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 10932


Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair / Conditioning creamy Hair Lotion

Haarlotion für natürlich lockiges Haar

11.50 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 410 g
1000 ml = 32.39 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 11006


Luster´s Pink - Shinin' Jam

Haarpomade zum Stylen von Frisuren mit Glatt Effekt

5.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 182 g
1000 g = 34.71 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 11007


Luster´s Pink - Gro Complex 3000

Haarcreme Stoppt Haarbruch / unterstützt Haarwuchs

5.99 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 184 g
1000 g = 35.24 €

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 371382

Organic Root Stimulator - ORS

New Look - Same Great Formula / 

ORS - Olive Oil Creamy Aloe Shampoo

6.90 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 414 g
1000 ml = 18.65 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 371383


Organic Root Stimulator - ORS

ORS - Olive Oil Nourishing Sheen Spray

Nährendes Glanzspray

5.99 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 449 g
1000 ml = 12.69 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 10039
19.95 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 1,100 g

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 12008

Organic Root Stimmulator - ORS

Olive Oil / Incredibly Rich Oil Moisturizing Hair Lotion

Haarlotion mit Olivenöl

5.99 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 272 g
1000 ml = 23.86 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 855460
15.99 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 1,300 g

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 863210
16.95 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 1,300 g

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 855990
6.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 450 g
1000 g = 18.75 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 863190
6.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 180 g
100 g = 4.86 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 856000
9.90 / bottle(s) *
Delivery weight: 240 g
1 ml = 0.06 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 12009
9.99 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 350 g
1000 g = 44.01 €
Current daily price

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 1793
10.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 580 g
1000 g = 24.01 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 852120
5.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 320 g
1000 g = 25.99 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 1928
13.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 1,200 g
1000 g = 15.31 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 859040
5.90 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 230 g
100 g = 3.78 €

In stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

Product no.: 863180
8.99 / can(s) *
Delivery weight: 250 g
100 g = 5.29 €

Still in stock
Delivery period: 3 working days

* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
1 - 30 of 325 results